This morning I got up early before work to start on creating the list of books that are legitimate and give honest information about Scientology.
I was only able to list those that I had personal knowledge of, the ones by people I actually know from inside the Sea Org or journalists who are trusted in the ex-Scientologist community. I didn’t realize there are actually dozens more by people I’ve never heard of that may or may not be true accounts. It makes me curious if actual Scientologists are writing books to counteract the ex-Scientology movement or if these are just general people on the bandwagon.
There are a few books by people from the Free Zone, which is a group that considers itself to be applying true Scientology from before David Miscavige took over and changed things. I think I’d have to read those books to know if they add legitimate and truthful content that is of value. I don’t want to discount them if you want to go looking for them, but for now I’m listing content I think might be helpful to those “on the fence” who are trying to figure out the truth about what the Scientology organization is actually doing.
A lot of us who come out of a bad situation with Scientology, don’t necessarily denounce the religion or it’s founder, LRH. It takes time and learning to realize that LRH may not have had the best of intentions either, and not everyone comes to that conclusion. I guess I have to decide what is important enough information to provide so someone can have a complete picture of the world outside of the Scientology organization to make a decision for themselves.
I will happily take any feedback or opinions on this in the comments if you’d care to share. Anything I can do to help.